Will 5G Destroy Boise?

We need you!  Will you answer the call to protect your home, your family, your neighborhood, and your city?


The City of Boise is gutting its wireless code making it really easy for Big Telecom to put their towers in front of your home. Towers will be every 500 feet in your area unless you tell them NO, not in my neighborhood!  This microwave radiation can cause: dementia, insomnia, infertility, headaches, fatigue, dysesthesia,(MS symptoms) concentration/attention dysfunction, memory changes, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite/body weight, restlessness/anxiety, nausea, skin burning/tingling/dermographism and disrupts the normal rhythm of the heart.

If other cities across the country have kept 5G wireless antennas out of neighborhoods, like Eagle, Idaho, then we can too. We must. The horrific future damage that will occur because of these towers will be shocking. This technology will be devastating for your health, your property values and your privacy. It must be stopped and ONLY YOU can do it by joining us in our fight against 5G in Boise.


  1. Share your concern and dissatisfaction with this plan to permanently alter our city for the worse.

  2. Can you get 5- 10 people you know to step up and testify?

  3. This is our big chance to make a change. I am attaching the letter our attorney sent to the City. We are demanding the City of Boise stop the roll out of 5G immediately. We are then demanding that the City update their Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance with the provisions that protect our health, property and privacy.


  1. We are asking the city to amend the ordinance to:

  2. Prohibit any towers in all residential and school districts

  3. Require all Tower owners to provide $10 million aggregate and $1,000,000 per occurrence Liability Insurance with no EXCLUSIONS FOR HEALTH effects.

  4. NEEDS TEST. Require all applicants to provide a needs test by using an independent 3rd party using meters to determine if there is a gap in coverage.

  5. Cap on Power. Cell phones only need .02 watts of power.

  6. Currently, many towers are putting out 60 watts of power.

  7. Put a moratorium on all new builds until the FCC shows real safety studies.

  8. Even better let’s put in fiber optic cable like Mt. Home Idaho, and Ammon, Idaho. Safe and secure and blazing speeds. 5G is slower than DSL!!


  1. Sign up yourself and your friends/family to speak for 3 minutes at the upcoming Boise Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Monday October 4th at 6PM. We need EVERYONE willing to speak to sign up at this link: Zoom Signup Link

Referencing the permit number: ZOA21-00004

** You have till Monday at 12:00 PM to register to testify virtually. You can also testify in person.

Talking Points for Effective Testimony.  Planning and Zoning will be making their decision on the Goals Outlined in the Boise Blueprint.  Below find a list of Boise Blueprint Goals and talking point that give suggestion on why a Hardwired Broadband (DSL, Cable, Fiber) network is superior to a Wireless Broadband (4G & 5G) network.  Why it’s the clear choice for the City of Boise.  Pick a goal that inspires you and incorporate the specific goal into your testimony. Thank you!

IFST Boise Blueprint Talking Points

IFST Comments on Planning Recommendation to P&Z Talking Points

Boise City Council Elections – Nov 2, 2021.  The Wireless Ordinance will ultimately have to be approved by Boise City Council in a couple of months. Three Council seats are up for re-election.  Be bold and discuss this topic at every election debate and Q&A event. Vote for a candidate that supports a wireless zoning ordinances that protects the health and safety of it citizens rather than Verizon’s 5G network.  Boise City Council Election Info

Donate to Idahoans For Safe Technology!  We need to raise an additional $10,000 this year for educational and legal support.  IFST is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) – your donations are tax deductible. Donate Now


One Podcast you can listen to to catch up to speed.


For Studies and Power effects of sWTF (small Wireless Telecommunication Facilities), this is an excellent video by. Kent Chamberlin, PhD

Professor & Chair Emeritus

Kingsbury Hall

Dept.of Electrical & Computer Engineering

https://youtu.be/t85QgvfKNkE. Studies at 50 min on health

What is a safe distance 31:30

Other cities that set created set back requirements of 500 meters, (1640′) 35:44:Min

Students with higher exposure had higher blood sugar 55:min

harmful for trees 56:13

Damages insects


Cell Tower Map - Boise


Boise is Rewriting Its Wireless Ordinance Code