CHD Funds Lawsuit on Behalf of Man Who Says Verizon Cell Tower Triggered Life-Threatening Cardiac Events

The lawsuit, filed today, could set an important legal precedent that would help people like Henry “Hank” Allen, who have electromagnetic sensitivity, fight back against cell towers being placed near their homes.

An Idaho man alleging the radiofrequency radiation emitted by a cell tower installed next to his home triggered more than 15 episodes of atrial fibrillation today sued Verizon and other companies involved in the operation of the tower.

Henry “Hank” Allen, age 53, said his electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) makes him vulnerable to life-threatening cardiac episodes, which began in April 2021, when Verizon activated the tower.

The lawsuit, funded by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho Southern Division, could set an important legal precedent that would help others with EMS who want to fight back against having a cell tower placed near where they live.

W. Scott McCollough, lead litigator for CHD’s Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Wireless cases, told The Defender:

“It’s becoming really clear that this massive deployment of wireless technology everywhere is functionally prohibiting a large number of people from being able to participate in society or even live safely in their own homes.

“This case is designed to recognize the fact that wireless technology does indeed make a lot of people sick, and also to give them some much needed relief.”

In addition to Verizon, defendants in the suit include Horizon Tower LLC, which owns and operates the tower, and telecommunication providers AT&T and Dish Wireless, which also own and operate equipment at the tower site.

According to the lawsuit, Allen said the high levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by the tower also exacerbated other EMS symptoms, including tinnitus, extreme fatigue, impaired memory and vision, sleep disruption, and flu-like symptoms.



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